Text Mining
Here, I am only scrapping the surface with text normalisation and exploring the nltk library.
The class work that we did went a little deeper into perform sentiment analysis using the SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
and also to train a Naïve Bayes classifier to classify a new piece of text into 2 classes
DS102 Problem Set - Week 4
If you have any questions to the Problem Set, feel free to send a message to your TAs or Instructors in the Telegram chat. You are encouraged to also discuss the problem sets within your own groups.
# Rename the notebook. Then, fill in your details here.
# Name : Barbara Yam
# Class : 5 May 2019, 7pm
Datasets Required:¶
# import the relevant packages
import re
import csv
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import the relevant libraries from nltk
import nltk
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords, words
In this problem set, you will be asked to perform text analysis on two blogposts about their holiday in S. Korea. By the end of the problem set, you would be able to retrieve keywords that are useful for a traveller who intends to plan for his/her holiday to S. Korea.
Part 1 (3 Marks)¶
Mark breakdowns are stated in the question e.g. [1]
. For questions wtih short answers, **both the code and typed answers must be provided to receive full credit.**
i) Read blogpost-1.txt
into a string variable called post1
. This is the text from a blogpost titled Seoul Travel Guide for Food Lovers! by Mark Wiens. Use split()
and len()
to find out how many tokens are there in post1
. [0.5]
# Read blogpost-1.txt into a string variable called post1
# Write your code here
# Hint: Use the following code to help you:
post1 = ''
with open('blogpost-1.txt', encoding="utf8") as f1:
post1 = f1.read()
# How many tokens are there in post1?
# Write your code here
post1_list = post1.split()
# Type your answer here
#2966 tokens in post 1.
ii) Read blogpost-2.txt
into a string variable called post2
. This is the text from a blogpost titled JESSICA'S SEOUL TRAVEL DIARY 2017 by Jessica Chaw. Using split()
and len()
to find out how many tokens there are in post2
. [1]
# Read blogpost-2.txt into a string variable called post2
# Write your code here
post2 = ''
with open('blogpost-2.txt', encoding="utf8") as f1:
post2 = f1.read()
# How many tokens are there in post2?
# Write your code here
post2_list = post2.split()
# Type your answer here
# 1302 tokens in post 2.
i) Using string indexing or otherwise, store the first 1000 characters from post1
in a string called s1
. Convert all the characters in s1
into lower case. print()
your result. [0.5]
# Construct and print s1
# Write your code here.
s1 = post1[:1000]
s1 = s1.lower()
# print your result
ii). Slice the first 2000 characters from post2
and store them in in a string called s2
. print()
the result s2
. Then, instantiate a new string s3
by uncommenting the line below. What does the line to get s3
do? Explain in terms of the differences between what you see across s2
and s3
. [1]
# Construct and print s2
# Write your code here.
s2 = ''
s2 = post2[:2000]
print('---s2 -----')
# print your result
# Uncomment the following lines to show the result of s3.
s3 = re.sub('[-!,\(\).+/:\[\]–]',' ', s2)
print('--- s3 -----')
# What does the line to get s3, in particular the re.sub() function call, do?
# Type your answer here
# It removes the special characters such as the following [-!,\(\).+/:\[\]–] and replaces them
# with a blank space.
Part 2 (9 Marks)¶
Mark breakdowns are stated in the question e.g. [1]
. **Where stated, both the code and typed answers must be provided to receive full credit.**
The words in each blogpost from Part 1 are stored as a list of terms in blogpost-1-terms.csv
and blogpost-2-terms.csv
respectively. Note that the term
appearing in the first line for all 2 files is the header.
2A. Using the pandas
library, csv
library or otherwise,
- read the the terms from
into a list of termsblog1_terms
- read the terms from
into a list of termsblog2_terms
In other words, the first $5$ terms of blog1_terms
and blog2_terms
respectively are:
blog1_terms[:5] == ['in', 'this', 'seoul', 'travel', 'guide']
blog2_terms[:5] == ['hi', 'guys', 'im', 'back', 'from']
# Read the the terms from blogpost-1-terms.csv into a list blog1_terms
# Write your code here
blog1_terms_df = pd.read_csv('blogpost-1-terms.csv')
blog1_terms = []
for item in blog1_terms_df['term']:
#blog1_terms = blog1_terms_df['term'].tolist()
# Read the the terms from blogpost-2-terms.csv into a list blog2_terms
# Write your code here
blog2_terms_df = pd.read_csv('blogpost-2-terms.csv')
blog2_terms = []
for item in blog2_terms_df['term']:
2B. In the nltk
library, there is a corpus called the stopwords
corpus. Using this Stackoverflow answer or otherwise, extract only the English stopwords from stopwords
and store it as a list called blog_stopwords
. [0.5]
# Using stopwords from nltk.corpus, store all English stopwords into blog_stopwords
# Write your code here
blog_stopwords = stopwords.words('english')
2C. How many terms are there in blog1_terms
and blog2_terms
? Use len()
of a list
to find out. [0.5]
# How many terms are there in blog1_terms and blog2_terms?
# Write your code here
# Type your answer here
# 2954 terms in blog1_terms.
# 1299 terms in blog2_terms.
2D. (Stemming, follwed by finding unique words)
i) Instantiate a new list called blog1_terms_step1
. Iterate through all the terms in blog1_terms
and store the stemmed term using PorterStemmer.stem(word)
in blog1_terms_step1
. Do the same for blog2_terms
. Store the list of stemmed words into blog2_terms_step1
. [1]
# Create the lists blog1_terms_step1 and blog2_terms_step1
# Uncomment the following lines of code to get the PorterStemmer object
blog1_terms_step1 = []
blog2_terms_step1 = []
s = PorterStemmer()
# Complete the code here
for word in blog1_terms:
stemmed_word = s.stem(word)
for word in blog2_terms:
ii). Find the unique terms in blog1_terms_step1
and blog2_terms_step1
and store them as a list
. Specifically, store the unique terms in blog1_terms_step1
in a list called uniq_blog1_terms_step1
and store the unique terms in blog2_terms_step1
in a list
called uniq_blog2_terms_step1
Clue: You can use the set()
function, or iterate through every term using a
for t in blog1_terms_step1
loop. Other methods are also accepted. [1]
# Create the lists uniq_blog1_terms_step1 and uniq_blog2_terms_step1
# WARNING: Take note of the datatype!
# Complete the code here
uniq_blog1_terms_step1 = []
uniq_blog2_terms_step1 = []
uniq_blog1_terms_step1= list(set(blog1_terms_step1))
uniq_blog2_terms_step1 = list(set(blog2_terms_step1))
iii) How many terms are there in uniq_blog1_terms_step1
and uniq_blog2_terms_step1
? Use len()
of a list
to find out. [0.5]
# How many terms are there in blog1_terms and blog2_terms?
# Write your code here
# Type your answer here
#722 terms in uniq_blog1_terms_step1
#488 terms in uniq_blog2_terms_step1
2E. (Removal of stopwords)
i) Instantiate a new list called blog1_terms_step2
. Iterate through all the terms in uniq_blog1_terms_step1
and store the term in blog1_terms_step2
if the length of the word is 2 and above and the word is not in the list blog_stopwords
. (You have already got blog_stopwords
from question 2B. Do the same for blog2_terms_step1
. Store the filtered list into blog2_terms_step2
. You may choose to use the function is_valid_word()
. [1]
# You may choose to use this function to help you
def is_valid_word(word, list_of_reject_words, min_length):
if len(word) >= min_length and word not in list_of_reject_words:
return True
# Create the lists blog1_terms_step2 and blog2_terms_step2
# Write your code here
blog1_terms_step2 = []
blog2_terms_step2 = []
for word in blog1_terms_step1:
if is_valid_word(word,blog_stopwords,2) ==True:
for word in blog2_terms_step1:
if is_valid_word(word,blog_stopwords,2) ==True:
2F. (Finding common words in both blogs) Instantiate a new list called blog_common_words
. This stores all unique words that appears in both lists blog1_terms_step2
and blog2_terms_step2
. How many terms are there in blog_common_words
? [1]
# Create the list blog_common_words
# Write your code here
blog_common_words = [x for x in blog1_terms_step2 if x in blog2_terms_step2]
blog_common_words = set(blog_common_words)
# How many terms are there in blog_common_words?
# Write your code here
# Type your answer here
# 155 terms in blog_common_words.
2G. (Finding words related to Korean travel) The words
corpus has all the known English words in the dictionary. They are retrieved using words.words()
, and are stored in a list english_words
for you.
# Uncomment the following lines to get all words in english_words.
english_words = words.words()
i) Store all words in blog_common_words
that do not exist in english_words
in a list called non_eng_blog_words
. print
the list non_eng_blog_words
. [0.5]
# print all words from blog_common_words that do not exist in english_words
# Write your code here
non_eng_blog_words = []
for word in blog_common_words:
if word not in english_words:
2H. The following plots are given to you. They are two bar plots plotting the frequency of a list of words.
- Suggest appropriate titles for the plot.
- Why do the words (denoted in the $x$-axis) change from the first to the second bar plot? What does this tell you about the stopwords (that are also in the English dictionary) in relation to their frequency and meaning in English text?
# Collect terms
blog_new = blog1_terms_step1 + blog2_terms_step1
blog_new_filtered = []
for term in blog_new:
if term not in english_words:
# Create the 2 DataFrames
blog_df = pd.DataFrame(blog_new, columns=['term'])
blog_filtered_df = pd.DataFrame(blog_new_filtered, columns=['term'])
# Aggregation & Sorting
blog_df_agg_df = blog_df.groupby('term').size().reset_index(name='n')
blog_df_agg_df.sort_values('n', ascending=False, inplace=True)
blog_df_filtered_agg_df = blog_filtered_df.groupby('term').size().reset_index(name='n')
blog_df_filtered_agg_df.sort_values('n', ascending=False, inplace=True)
# Plotting
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 18))
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
# Suggest an appropriate title for the plot. The title must contain this logic for full credit.
ax.set_title('Frequency of top 20 Individual Stemmed Words in the Blog Posts')
blog_df_agg_df[:20].plot(kind='bar', x='term', y='n', ax=ax)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
# Suggest an appropriate title for the plot. The title must contain this logic for full credit.
ax2.set_title('Frequency of top 20 Individual Stemmed Words, filtering out Stopwords in the Blog Posts')
blog_df_filtered_agg_df[:20].plot(kind='bar', x='term', y='n', ax=ax2)
# Why do the words (denoted in the x-axis) change from the first to the second bar plot?
# The first graph did not exclude stopwords; so the stopwords with higher frequency in the posts
# appear in the x-axis.
# What does this tell you about the stopwords in relation to extracting real meaning?
# Some stopwords may have a high frequency appearing in blog posts, hence they appear on the x-axis
# but they merely smooth the sentences but do not have meaning on their own.
# It is important to filter out stopwords to extract real meaning of the blog posts.